My favorite skaters.

My name is Muhaymin, I love skating, I started skating during the pandemic to pass time and be outside safely. It quickly took over my life, it opened up so many doors for me, it helped me grow as a person. I owe a lot to skating and I am eternally grateful for it. Here are my top 3 skaters ever.

Filmer taping a skater

The Big 3.

Ishod Wair

Ishod half-cab flipping a 12 stair.

My first favorite skater is Ishod Wair. His style is so relaxed and cool. Here he is half-cab flipping a 12 stair.

Mark Suciu

Mark Suciu backside flipping.

My second favorite skater is Mark Suciu. He has the quickest feet in the west. Here he is backside flipping.

TJ Rogers

TJ Rogers frontside 180.

My third favorite skater is TJ Rogers. His style is immaculate, so much drip on this man it is unbelievable. Here he is front-180ing.

“Once you pick up a skateboard, you’ll find out that it’s not a hobby, it’s not a sport, it’s a lifestyle."
- Lil Wayne